
Adds new recipients to a Sequence.


Have you seen Incoming Webhooks?

See Incoming Webhooks that allow you to easily add a sequence recipient without writing code

Note that you do not need to create a Contact first in order to add a sequence recipient.

Response structure



Duplicated and unsubsribed recipients are NOT recognized case-sensitively. So john@company.com is different from John@company.com

recipientsArray The list of processed recipients
recipients.emailString The email of the processed recipients
recipients.statusStringOne of the following values:
success The sequence was sent or scheduled successfully.
error Sequence was not sent. The error will be on the errors array.
duplicated This sequence was already sent to this recipient, and was skipped.
unsubscribed Recipient has unsubscribed. They will not be added to the sequence.
[recipients.errors]String[]If the status is error, this property will contain an array of errors found while processing the recipient.
Path Params

The ID of the Sequence you'd like to add the user to.

Body Params
array of objects

Array of recipients to add. See below for object structure.

Defaults to (current time)

The unix timestamp, in milliseconds, that you'd like the Sequence to activate at for recipients (in this request - see above parameter). Set to the current time to send immediately. If set to special value false, then the recipient will be kept in draft. Note that this can be overridden for each recipient by passing scheduledAt for that recipient.


If true, passed recipients will have its variables filled up with the contact data stored in Mixmax. Any variable explicitly set as part of the request payload will take precedence over the Mixmax contact metadata.

Defaults to false

If true, passed recipients will be added to the sequence even if they are missing variables that already exist in the sequence.


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