Fetch a single meeting type.
Parameter | Type | Description |
_id | String | Unique ID |
userId | String | The _id of the user who created the meeting type. |
createdAt | Date | When the meeting type was created. |
updatedAt | Date | When the meeting type was last updated. |
name | String | The name of the meeting type displayed in the UI. Defaults to New meeting type . |
durationMin | Number | The length of the meeting type in minutes. Defaults to 30 . |
daysFromNow | Object | The time window in which meetings of this type can be made. |
daysFromNow.start | Number | Minimum number of days from today to suggest meeting slots. Defaults to 1 . |
daysFromNow.end | Number | Maximum number of days from today to suggest meeting slots. Defaults to 21 . |
daysFromNow.unit | String | 'weekdays' or 'days. If 'weekdays', weekend days will be ignored when determining availability. |
day[0-6] | Object | Availability configuration by weekday. |
day[0,6].enabled | Boolean | Whether to allow meetings of this type to be booked on this day. Defaults to false . |
day[1-5].enabled | Boolean | Whether to allow meetings of this type to be booked on this day. Defaults to true . |
day[0-6].timeslots | Object[] | The collection of timeslots for which you're available during this day. These timeslots cannot overlap, though startTime s and endTimes can match. |
day[0-6].timeslots.startTime | String | Start time of timeslot during which meetings of this type can be made. Format must match "HH:mm:ss". Defaults to '09:00:00' . |
day[0-6].timeslots.endTime | String | End time timeslot during which meetings of this type can be made. Format must match "HH:mm:ss". Defaults to '17:00:00' . |
defaults | Object | Defaults to be used in the calendar invitation of meetings booked of this type. |
defaults.title | String | The default calendar event title. Defaults to '' . |
defaults.location | String | The default calendar event location. Defaults to '' . |
defaults.description | String | The default calendar event description. Defaults to '' . |
link | String | The URL slug to use for this meeting type's calendar. Defaults to meetingtype_<random number> . |
buffer | Number | The amount of time in between meetings, in the range of 0 - 60 minutes. |
calendarIds | String[] | The Google Calendar IDs of the calendars on which meetings of this meeting type will be scheduled. If multiple calendars are added to a meeting type, meetings will be booked round-robin between those calendars. |
roundRobinQueue | Number[] | The round robin queue. Each element value is an index of a calendar ID in the meeting type's calendarIds . Calendars at the beginning of this queue will be preferred for booking when someone selects an available timeslot for this meeting type where multiple calendars have availability. |
preventDoubleBooking | String[] | An array of Google Calendar IDs for which double booking will be prevented. Meetings of this meeting type can not be booked during times where there are 'busy' events on these calendars. The meeting type's calendarId calendar is always taken into account for double booking prevention, regardless of whether it's included in this property. |
defaultGuests | Object[] | An array of default guests to be added to meetings of this type. |
defaultGuests[].name | String | The name of the default guest. |
defaultGuests[].email | String | The email of the default guest. |
defaultGuests[].required | Boolean | Whether the default guest should be added as a required attendee of booked meetings of this type. |
customFields | Object[] | Custom fields shown to viewers of this meeting type's public calendar when they book timeslots. |
customFields[].label | String | The label shown by the custom field. |
customFields[].type | String | The type of custom field input. One of the following: 'textSingleLine' . |
customFields[].required | Boolean | Whether a meeting booker is required to complete the field. |
roomsAndResources | Object[] | Google calendar resources that Mixmax will attempt to reserve when a Meeting Type-backed meeting is scheduled. |
roomsAndResources[].label | String | The label shown by the Google calendar resource. |
roomsAndResources[].resourceEmail | String | The unique email assigned to the Google Calendar resource. |
integrations | Object | Flags to enable integrations with various products. |
integrations.zoom | Boolean | If enabled, a Zoom meeting url will be prepended to the location field of an event booked through this meeting type. Requires that the user grants access to their Zoom account. |