
Returns the current user's preferences

User preferences are key/value pairs stored for this user

addUnsubscribeLinkToSequencesBooleanWhether an unsubscribe link will be added to the bottom of sequence messages. Defaults to false.
alwaysReplyFromDefaultAddressBooleanIf user has multiple 'send from' accounts, this indicates that all replies should be from their default account.
appHotkeyMacStringThe hotkey used to launch the compose window in the Mixmax app, if on Mac. Defaults to "Command+Shift+M".
appHotkeyWinStringThe hotkey used to launch the compose window in the Mixmax app, if on Windows. Defaults to "Control+Shift+M".
autoBccAddressStringAn email address that will also be auto-bcc'd when composing a message. Empty by default.
autoBccExcludedDomainsStringIf autoBccAddress used and the user is emailing an address in this comma-delimited list of domains, then the autoBccAddress will not be used.
autoBccExcludedEmailsStringIf autoBccAddress used and the user is emailing an address in this comma-delimited list of domains, then the autoBccAddress will not be used.
autoLinkConversionEnabledBooleanWhether links pasted into the Mixmax message editor will automatically turn into link previews. Defaults to true.
calendarAdditionalGuestsArrayArray of email addresses (strings) that will be added to all meeting invites, by default.
calendarAppointmentSlots.linkEnabledBooleanWhether your public calendar link is enabled. Defaults to true. If disabled, the link will redirect to mixmax.com.
calendarAppointmentSlots.limitMaxBookedSlots.enabledBooleanWhether to limit the maximum number of meetings booked per day with /cal, /lunch, and /meeting invites. Defaults to true.
calendarAppointmentSlots.limitMaxBookedSlots.perDayNumberMax number of booked slots per day if enabled is true. After max is reached, no meetings are allowed with /cal, /lunch, or /meeting. Defaults to 6.
calendarAvailabilityDescriptionStringThe default text to use for the description in new availability invites.
calendarAvailabilityLocationStringThe default text to use for the location in new availability invites.
calendarAvailabilityTitleStringThe default text to use for the title in new availability invites.
calendarDragChunkingEnabledBooleanWhether to enable dragging to create multiple meetings (versus one) in the meeting invite view. Defaults to true.
calendarEventDescriptionStringThe default text to use for the description in new event invites.
calendarEventLocationStringThe default text to use for the location in new event invites.
calendarEventTitleStringThe default text to use for the title in new event invites.
calendarHourFormatAMPMBooleantrue to use 12-hour time, false to use 24-hour time.
defaultAttachmentsTypeStringEither "traditional" or "cloud" - the default type of attachment to use when dragging files into the message editor. Defaults to "traditional".
defaultAutoSyncToTeamFeedBooleanWhether to sync new emails to the Team Live Feed by default. Defaults to false.
defaultShowContentTeamFeedBooleanWhether team members can view the emails that sync to Mixmax.
defaultCRMsConnectedArrayCRMs that are connected to this account. Array of objects, each with keys name and other attributes (eg logX) specific to that CRM.
defaultComposeStateNewStringMessage editor style when clicking the compose button in Gmail. One of: "mole", "modal", or "window". Defaults to "mole".
defaultComposeStateReplyStringMessage editor style when clicking the reply button in Gmail. One of: "mole", "modal", or "inline". Defaults to "inline".
defaultDashboardNavDrawerWidthStringWhether the dashboard left side navigation is open or collapsed. One of: "wide", "narrow". Defaulted to "wide".
defaultFollowupObjectThe default reminder for a new message, if set. Has keys unparsedDate, trigger, and autoRemind.
defaultFontFamilyStringDefault font family to use in the message editor.
defaultFontNameStringDefault font name to use in the message editor. Defaults to "standard".
defaultFontNameDisplayStringCached name of the default font name. Defaults to "Standard".
defaultFontSizeStringDefault size of font, in HTML element names. Defaults to "small".
defaultLinkTrackingEnabledBooleanWhether to turn link tracking on by default. Defaults to false.
defaultLocationStringThe value with which the {{host location}} variable is replaced.
defaultLogToAutoBccBooleanWhether to BCC the autoBccAddress address by default. Defaults to false.
defaultMeetingLengthNumberDefault meeting length, in milliseconds, when sending availability. Defaults to 1800000 (30 minutes).
defaultNakedLinkTrackingEnabledBooleanWhether to track "naked" links (matching link text and url) by default. Defaults to false.
defaultNarrowWidthEnabledBooleanWhether to limit message width to 600px. Defaults to false.
defaultNotificationsEnabledBooleanWhether to turn on desktop notifications for notifications. Defaults to false.
defaultSilentRemindersBooleanWhether to bring threads to the top of the inbox and mark them unread without sending a new email (if possible).
defaultTrackingEnabledBooleanWhether to turn on email open tracking by default. Defaults to true.
emojiEnabledBooleanWhether to enable auto-conversion of emojis when typing in the editor. Defaults to true.
enableTrackingIndicatorsInGmailBooleanEnables tracking indicators in Gmail/Inbox. Defaults to true.
followupPresetsObjectObject of followup and scheduled email preset times to use.
hideVisibleCalendarsSidebarBooleanWhether to hide the calendar sidebar when selecting availability. Defaults to false.
inlinePDFPreviewEnabledBooleanWhether to generate slideshow previews of PDFs when they're attached. Defaults to true.
preventDoubleBookingsBooleanWhether to prevent double bookings by default when selecting availability. Defaults to true.
salesforceFieldsSettingsObjectDetermines which team you are sharing salesforce sidebar fields with. null if you are using your own settings.
selectedCalendarIdStringThe last selected calendar when proposing availability.
selectedSidebarStringThe last selected sidebar in Gmail.
sendAndArchiveEnabledBooleanWhether the user has "Send and Archive" enabled.
sendFromAccountsArrayArray of email aliases that the user can send from.
sidebarEnabledBooleanFalse to disable the Mixmax sidebar in Gmail and Inbox. Defaults to true.
signatureBeforeQuotedTextBooleanWhether the user's signature shows up before the quoted text when replying. Defaults to true.
signaturesArrayUser signatures per account.
slashCommandMenuEnabledBooleanWhether typing / in the message editor will bring up the slash command menu. Defaults to true.
slashLunch.endTimeStringEnd time of your lunch period. Used by /lunch command to suggest meetings during your lunch period. Format must match "HH:mm:ss". Defaults to "13:00:00".
slashLunch.slotsNumberNumber of lunch slots to suggest with the /lunch command. Defaults to 4.
slashLunch.startTimeStringStart time of your lunch period. Used by /lunch command to suggest meetings during your lunch period. Format must match "HH:mm:ss". Defaults to "12:00:00".
slashMeeting.slotsNumberNumber of meeting slots to suggest with the /meeting command. Override by typing /meeting [duration] [slots]. Defaults to 12.
templateShortcutMenuEnabledBooleanWhether typing ; in the message editor will show the template menu. Defaults to true.
themeStringThe color theme to use in Mixmax. Defaults to "gmail".
undoDelayNumberUndo delay time in seconds. Default is 0 (no undo).
undoSendEnabledBooleanTrue if undo send is enabled. Defaults to false.
userIdStringYour user ID
visibleCalendarsObjectList of calendars that are checked when proposing availability.
weekStartDayNumberDay of week (Sunday == 0) that the week starts. Defaults to 0.
defaultCalendarTypeStringThe ID of a user's default meeting template, or "NO_DEFAULT" if none is chosen.
Used to populate the {{sender calendar url}} variable.